Randy & D’Wanna Randolph

I have the most amazing and wonderful husband. Randy supported my decision to have plastic surgery and he continues to support me in my journey to help other women through speaking and my book, Skip the Tea—Let’s Talk Surgery.

Together, Randy and I have a thriving Relationship Coaching service—Covenant Keepers. We assist couples in learning vital skills for relating to one another in marriages and romantic partnerships. We strive to help couples address concerns in their relationships in a healthy and loving manner. We also help couples implement plans and techniques that fit their goals and values.

Love one another.
Honor one another.
Respect one another.
Conflict resolution skills.
Individual and collective growth.
Create a viable and fulfilling balanced journey together.


Turn your happiest moments into lasting memories.

Certified Master Life Coaches
Visit www.mycovenantkeepers.com to learn more about Covenant Keepers.


“There are no words to describe how perfect it was to be guided and counseled by Randy and D’Wanna Randolph. These two are truly touched by God’s grace and have a gift when it comes to spreading it amongst others. It’s one thing to receive counseling through a relationship counselor, but it’s totally different when you go to a couple. You can’t help but to wonder if they have your best interest at heart or is this considered just a ‘job’ for them. Are they even happy enough to be giving us advice?

So for us to find a couple who did not mind sharing their journey and being authentic in the process—reassuring us that they aren’t perfect either and are doing it solely because of their belief in Love alone—was EVERYTHING. They had a dedication to understand us, not just as a couple, but as individuals. The Love these two share was exemplified in every session; they truly understand, listen, and value each other in all aspects of life.

It’s one thing to be married, but to be married, happy, and willing to share your story in hopes to let others know it’s attainable, is so appreciated. We are so happy and truly blessed.”

Darnell & Ivori